Reference: CD001
Black eyebrowsMavra Froudia (Black eyebrows). The latest project of this three musicians recognized in different disciplines: Stelios Petrakis, one of the most well-known performers and makers of Cretan lyra al lute of the new generation. Efrén López, Valencian multiinstrumentalist founder of L'Ham de Foc and collaborator with many bands dedicated to European Early music, and percussionist Bijan Chemirani, born into a musical family and heir to the great tradition of persian zarb. We proposed a program of original compositions based on rhythms and scales of different backgrounds: Crete and other Greek islands, Medieval Europe, Turkey and Iran.
Stelios Petrakis: Cretan lyra and Cretan laouto; Efrén López: laoutos, hurdy-gurdy, kopuz, fretless guitar, rabab, davul, santur, tar azeri; Bijan Chemirani: zarb, bendir, daf, ghatam, kanjira, daire
The cd is a musical meeting between three young musicians who compose and perform their music, which is being influenced from various local musical genres of the Mediterranean area, where they all come from. The trio project is based on the musical and personal relationship of the three musicians who have many common things to share, and it’s the first time that they all meet and play. By using musical instruments that belong to various traditional music genres, the influence from all these local idioms is obvious: Music of Crete – Greece, Early music, Music of Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Spain, France.